Friday, November 04, 2011

One Step Trick to Child Custody and Co-Parenting Issues

It sounds too good to be true, but the author of an article in Parent Dish suggests there is one simple trick to successfully navigating the treacherous waters of child custody and co-parenting issues after divorce. She is a divorced parent, and is trying to figure things out as she goes along, just like millions of us. Things can easily get ugly if we let them, and the bottom line is that the children will suffer when the parents can't figure out how to get along after divorce. We know that we are human, and that we make mistakes, but do we apply the same attitude when our ex spouses also make mistakes? Face it, we all screw up now and then. Admit it, and move on. So, what is the big secret on co-parenting and child custody issues? Simple - give your former spouse the benefit of the doubt. That's it. Don't be a doormat, but also don't waste your time or energy assuming the worst about your former spouse and his or her behavior. Source:

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