Thursday, November 03, 2011

Help Your Child Get Through Your Divorce

You are going through divorce, or have gone through divorce. Your child now has two households. Which one is home? Does either one feel like home? Will he or she ever have a sense of home again? If you are still fighting with or complaining about your former spouse, you are subjecting your child to living in an ongoing "emotional divorce." Parents often get so caught up in their hurt feelings and anger that they do not look three feet away to see the child sitting next to them. They do not think about how their behavior impacts the child. Until you get over your divorce and provide a safe, stable, nurturing home, your child will continue to suffer. I promise you, they want the divorce to be over. Let it go, so it will finally be over. Be the role model of how you want your child to resolve conflict when she is an adult. Be an example of how people can behave in difficult circumstances. Show your son how to rise above stress and hurt feelings. Get yourself happy, so they can be happy - now and in their adult relationships. Source:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very interesting! Thank you so much for that information and making it a nice story to read...big hug! Accept your mistake and feel free from the burden of guilty. Try to create healthiness in the relation whether it’s your personal life or professional life. It’s important to resolve conflict . For more information related to this please visit at the given link :