Tuesday, December 06, 2011

The 4 Worst Reasons To Go To Divorce Court

Many people watch television shows and think every divorce case goes to court and has a knock down, drag out ugly divorce trial. Nothing could be further from the truth. Over 90% of divorce cases go not result in a trial. They settle at some point along the way.

Many of the cases that end up in trial should not have gone to trial. They go to trial for the wrong reasons. What are the four worst reasons to go to divorce court?

One, to prove your spouse is a horrible person. Aren't you already convinced that he or she is? Why waste $20,000 or $50,000 or much more to create a bunch of papers that will just be put into a court file? It won't change the person. It will only change how much money you have when the case is over.

Two, to "win" custody of the children. There are no winners in a nasty custody battle. The children are the ones who suffer the most, having to watch their parents viciously attack each other. Don't put them through this needlessly.

Three, your lawyer tells you a trial is the only option. A divorce trial should be the LAST option, not the first option.

Four, you want "satisfaction" for your hurt feelings and betrayal. Read: vindication. Trust me, it will not make you feel better. It will only make you feel poorer.

The bottom line is this - save yourself and your children a huge amount of grief, emotional pain and debt. Consider a nasty divorce trial to be your last option, not the first or only option. And realize that you are being told this by a divorce lawyer, who has nothing to gain financially by telling you to avoid massive legal fees.

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/m-marcy-jones/why-soontobe-exes-should-_b_1126727.html?ref=divorce

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