Wednesday, October 26, 2011

5 Best Ways To Prevent Divorce

What are the Top Five Ways To Prevent Divorce? Some are obvious - others are a little surprising. One - both spouses need to be thrifty. When one or both spouses are careless in spending, the divorce rates shoot up. Two - when both spouses have a job, their divorce rates plummet. And their frequency of sex goes up when they both have jobs. Speaking of sex - the third way to prevent divorce is to have sex with your spouse (and only with your spouse). You would be surprised how many married couples go for months and even years without having sex. Fourth, spend time apart. I know, it seems to contradict #3, but it really doesn't. Achieve a good balance of time together and time apart. If you spend too much time together, you will begin to bore each other. And five, frequently do small, positive things for your spouse. For more information, ideas and suggestions, see this article.

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