Monday, March 07, 2005

Boeing CEO Canned in Scandal

Boeing Company has a new scandal - not that it needed one. This time, the CEO and President, Harry Stonecipher, self-made tough-talking son of a Tennessee coal miner, was forced out for what AOL News calls "a violation of the company's code of conduct stemming from the relationship the married 68-year-old Stonecipher had with a female Boeing executive.
Stonecipher's predecessor, Phil Condit, resigned just 15 months ago, after defense contracting scandals that landed 2 Boeing executives to jail.
Investors barely reacted to the news of Stonecipher's ouster, which makes one wonder - Do we really care any more about corporate executives? Do we really expect them to behave the way the rest of us have to? Did we ever expect them to? For more info, see 9990015.

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