Monday, June 22, 2009

I'll Be Speaking at Conferences in Chicago area, Tulsa and Oklahoma City in July 2009

I will be speaking at the national conference of the Autism Society of America on Friday, July 24 from 12:45 - 2 pm, on the subject of Child Custody and Child Support in Divorce with a Child with Autism. The conference will be in St. Charles, Illinois, about an hour outside of Chicago. People can get more information at ASA's website: www.autism-society.o rg

Also, I will be speaking on this topic at Oklahoma State Bar Association seminars in the Oklahoma City area on Thursday, July 16 and in Tulsa on July 17.

I am trying very hard to reach out to our families and let them know there is now help for them - and I am working hard to educate the lawyers and judges about our families and what they need.

These seminars and conferences are also a good way for people from around the country to get to talk to me in person and ask me questions. My son, who emerged from autism at age 8, will be traveling with me to these 3 speaking engagements. We are trying to spread a message of hope, which is so desperately needed. Please help me spread the word so our families can finally start to get better results from the family court system. Thank you!