Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How To Recognize Your Future Ex-Husband

This book, How To Recognize Your Future Ex-Husband, applies equally to both genders - future ex-wives and future ex-husbands. It explains why we make the bad choices we do sometimes when choosing spouses. We rationalize their behavior, when down deep, we know there is a problem. Before you get married, read this book.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Grandparents and Divorce - What About Grandma?

The issue of how the divorce of their adult children will affect the grandparents is seldom raised during divorce. After the divorce, however, the grandparents might be called on more to help out with child care for their single-parent offspring, or the grandparents might see the grandchildren less after divorce.

This excellent article explores these issues, and makes a very good case for considering how the divorce of their adult children will affect the grandparents.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Tips on Back to School for Divorced Parents

Get great ideas on how to avoid back-to-school hassles for divorced parents. Your kids have enough stress as it is. Step up to the plate, be a good parent, set your own grievances aside, and find out how to make things as good as they can be for your child.