Friday, March 11, 2005

Autism Can Be Treated

A 10 year-old boy from St. Louis, Missouri has proven that autism can be treated. This boy, Samuel Price Zoole, is my son. His story was aired recently on KSDK, the St. Louis NBC affiliate and the story also appeared on He was diagnosed with autism at age 3. A local pediatric neurologist strongly urged us to institutionalize him. Instead we took him to the Judevine Center for Autism, where he received intensive therapy. He also received intensive therapy and intervention at his public school, Old Bonhomme Elementary in the Ladue School District, and through Special School District. Judevine, Old Bonhomme and the Special School District worked together to help Sam to such an extent that he has beaten autism! Their work should be used as a model for other schools to follow. A well-respected pediatric neurologist has stated that Sam no longer meets the diagnostic criteria for autism. If you met Sam today, you would not believe that he ever had autism. He is now an A and B student in school, scored 99th %ile nationally in science and is taking flying lessons to get a pilot's license. THERE IS HOPE FOR AUTISM!! If you know someone with autism, please tell them Sam's story. They need to know there is hope. To read his story, see

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