There will be an Autism Conference in Los Angeles on Friday and Saturday, October 5 and 6, 2007 at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles, California. The conference is called SUMMIT 2007 and is sponsored by The Help Group, You may register online at that site. The conference is described as a "cutting edge conference for parents and professionals." It will feature the latest breakthroughs in research and treatment and autism, learning disabilities and a Ph.D. from some of the United States’ leading experts. There will be more than 20 presentations including:
1. The Early Signs of Autism: a Developmental Pediatrician’s Perspective
2. Thinking about Diagnosis and Intervention with Very Young Children Suspected of Having Autism Spectrum Disorder
3. The Science and Fiction of Autism
4. What Are Older Teens and Young Adults with Asperger's Disorder and High Functioning Autism Doing? How Are They Faring?
5. Recognizing and Treating the "Unfocused Mind" in Children with ADHD and Other Disorders
6. Best Practices for the Remediation of Reading Disabilities